Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Upgrading Your Gift for a White Elephant Exchange

Well, it’s officially that time of year when you have to start thinking about what you’re going to bring to your family’s gift exchange. Sometimes people do it around Thanksgiving. Other times, families wait until the winter holidays. No matter when they’re held, one thing is for certain: they can cause a lot of strife between family members if not set up correctly (or agreed upon in advance).

We all know that these sorts of exchanges can get heated depending upon the parameters set up prior to the event. Sometimes family members shirk the idea of a decent gift and provide something secondhand (which is okay if everyone knows that’s the rule of the gift you bring). Other times, people end up fighting over something that’s far too overpriced when the rich uncle shells out a hundred bucks on a gift card or something similar. Even still, presentation plays a big part in showing that you tried to put effort into your gift. If you didn’t put a lot of money into it, the presentation can actually mask the dollar amount (this works especially well if your family has a wide dollar range). Check out these tips for sprucing up the package!

Handmade tags.
Just putting a little more effort towards even the tag can completely change the look of your gift, and nicer labels on the tag can really do the trick. Even if your bag or box came with a tag, we suggest creating your own. Try cutting your own little piece of cardboard off a box that’s tag sized with a pair of scissors. Then, write “To: The lucky holder” or something silly related to white elephant gift exchanges. All that’s left is piercing a hole in the tag and tying it to your gift.

Tissue paper.
Using bags for gifts is often seen as “cheap” or time saving. If you’re gonna do this, at least include some relevantly colored tissue paper. Alternatively, you can give brown kraft packing paper a go. This type of paper serves to keep the gift hidden while also upping the presentation of the gift.

If you’re putting your gifts in cheap moving boxes, the wrapping paper will often look good enough to make the box look nice. However, simple brown cheap moving boxes can look far better (if there’s no wording on it) so long as you use some rustic looking twine. This also happens to come in handy for attaching those tags you made yourself.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Easy Steps For Packing The Garage

One of the hardest decisions we will ever make and endure is moving. The task always starts off with looking for where to move and all of the information that you do have to obtain and understand about a new location. The next step is packing up the house, you could spend some money out of your pocket to get professionals to come in and do this for you, or you can do this on your own and save needed money. The one area that is usually the most forgotten and sometimes a little scattered is the garage. This is going to be a guide for you to tackle this without working up to much of a sweat!

First step on this journey is to sort what you want to keep and what you can make some extra cash at a yard sale! Take your time but do not get into the attachment faze, do you really need that weed eater anymore if you are going to be living in a condo or an apartment? Make two different sections. A section to keep and a section you are willing to sell, donate to a charity organization, or just simply give it away. Make sure to tag items with a tag showing how much you want to sell the item for.
Second step is getting your much needed supplies! You will want to get cardboard boxes, you can get an array of sizes to fit what you have in the garage. The next is good strong moving tape to tape up the cardboard boxes with and also some bubble wrap, old newspapers, and even packaging sheets are great to wrap your valuables you plan to keep up with. The next is blankets, most movers provide these for larger items. All of these items are used to protect your items on the move.

Your third step will be to make sure that you are not packing anything hazardous, most moving companies are not allowed to move things such as gas, paint, pesticides, fertilizer, chemicals, propane tanks, and any other dangerous or flammable material. When you are considering this one tip is if you are wanting to move a gas powered piece of equipment such as a lawn mower make sure to empty the gas and oil out of the unit by how your state law finds applicable.

The next step is packing your items the right way to save space and time. If you have small hand tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, etc. make sure these are stored in a toolbox and securely closed. The smaller items that may have blades on them you would want to wrap lightly in bubble wrap and place in an appropriate sized box. Larger garden tools such as shovels, rakes, and hoes can be tied together with rope or even zip tied together for safer moving. Power tools travel much better in their original boxes if you have them if not wrap with wrapping paper or bubble wrap, then place in an appropriate sized box.

The final step is to make sure you label your boxes! One of the easiest methods is write on the box what is the contents and if it is fragile, if it is make sure to label as such in big letters. The boxes you are selling could be labeled 'garage sale' or 'yard sale' the donations you could simply label it as that. The garage should be the first room to pack not the last because you are inventorying what you want to keep and what you do not.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

All about Rigid Box Packaging

If you’re someone who has been online, even a little bit, then you’ve probably seen those durable, fancy boxes with products in them. known as rigid boxes, they’re a favorite for a good reason. If you’re wondering about this, you’re not alone, and here, we’ll dive into all of the aspects of rigid packaging content. 

What rigid Box Packaging is 

This is a type of packaging that’s synonymous with both luxury and quality, and it refers to various packaging that’s made from durable, stronger materials than regular old cardboard. 

Rigid boxes are known for keeping their shape, and the structure, even when this is empty, so you’ll get a good feel and ideal protection. 

These boxes are ultimately made with some high-end items and packaging that’s integral to the branding overall, along with the presentation of the product. This design is robust, and it customizes well with different materials, various finishes, and even options for printing that will help with perception of value. 

Some of the benefits include: 

  • They’re thicker due to being constructed from more dense paperboards 

  • They have a better structural integrity due to being able to maintain the shape and the contents within. 

  • There are customizing options that allow you to change the shape, size, and even color and final touches such as foil stamping and the like. 

  • They’re luxury and enhance the process of unboxing. 

  • They’re sustainable, since they’re made from sustainable, recycled materials that appeal to customers that are eco-conscious. 

  • They’re versatile, and work with electronics, jewelry, and also gourmet items. 

  • They are great for marketing and branding as they’re effective tools for such. 

The Costs 

Now that you know about rigid boxes, you may wonder what they cost. They’re pretty, right? 

Well, it depends on a few different types of factors, as most of them aren’t just one series of costs, and nothing more. 

These include: 

  • The size, because larger boxes will obviously be more expensive 

  • The materials, as the higher-quality ones will have a higher cost 

  • The complexity of the design, especially if it’s intricate, has multiple colors and finishes going on 

  • The quantity, because bulk allows you to reduce the costs per box 

  • The production time, because the sooner you need it the higher it is 

In general, for small boxes you’re probably paying anywhere from a buck to five dollars per box. Medium boxes for electronics can be up to $10 a box.  Larger boxes, as in the case for board games, will be anywhere from five bucks, to up to twenty bucks.  As mentioned before though, these are based on the factors mentioned above. 

Special Features 

You can also get special features for an added cost. However keep in mind that this can add up. 

For example, lamination might be used to add a shine to the item and make it durable. Depending on the type of lamination and the quality, it can be up to fifty cents a box. 

Debossing and embossing can cost up to a dollar per box and is what creates the recessed and raised designs on the box, adding some character to this. It's good if you can afford it. 

Finally, there are closures you can add, including magnetic and ribbon ones. These are good for a premium feel, but they can add up to two dollars per box, so keep that in mind if you choose to use it.

Rigid boxes are great for a high-quality packaging feel, but keep in mind that the costs can be high.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Semi-Automatic Stretch Wrapping

Have you thought about getting a semi-automatic stretch wrapper? There may be a few reasons for thinking this is the right thing. Whether it’s saving money or possibly reducing the labor, there are tons of benefits to doing this. You may wonder if semi-automatic stretch wrapping is good for the business or not.  What are some of the benefits? Can you buy this anywhere? Don’t worry, if you have a question about this, this article will help you decide whether or not an automatic stretch wrapper is right for the business. 

It does Boost ROI 

There are a lot of people who are looking to boost how much they put out, and a stretch wrapper can do this. Maybe you’ve done nothing but hand stretch wrapping. Well a semi-automatic stretch wrapper can improve the ROI by about 80% in just 16 months! 

This is something that can be really good, especially if you’ve done nothing but manual stretching. It takes a lot less people to do this too.  For most pallets, it takes about four people to wrap just one, but through upgrading to this, you can actually get it down to about two minutes, with half of the employees depending upon the type of use. 

It also reduces the labor  costs too. So let’s say you’ve got one company that’s hand wrapping a total of 125 different pallets a week, for about 50 weeks, and it’s about $10 an hour. 

If you’re looking to reduce this by using an automatic stretch wrapper, you’re saving about 8 hours each a week, and can reduce this by about $400 0 a year if you’re looking to reduce the spending costs. 

Some of the products that you can palletize are going to be big too, but if you’re struggling to get it all over the product, you may want to consider possibly reducing the time and effort through an automatic stretch wrapper. 

With semi-automatic stretch wrapping, this can cause this to stretch by up to 200%. Before this, there was a very inconsistent about 20% pre-stretch that happened due to the people. This helps to not only make this more consistent, and it can also reduce how much you’re using by up to 80 feet per load. 

The Cost Reductions 

Film costs are another part of this. If you’re looking to reduce the costs of the stretch film, you’ll want a semi-automatic stretch wrapper. 

This is because it offers a consistent, easy way for you to get it consistent each time and can save up to $8k in costs. 

Thinking of the upgrade 

If you’re curious about upgrading to a semi-automatic stretch wrapper, this is definitely the way to do it. 

Is it right for you? How much are you going to save? What other things should you do before you do his? 

There are a lot of different costs that go into this, especially with stretch wrapping. If you’re curious about whether or not you want to purchase this, you’ll definitely want to find out a bit more. 

Talking to someone about the pros and cons of stretch wrapping and working to make sure that you have the right stretch wrapping experience, can aid you in making sure that you get the results that you want out of this, and it’s also a great way to make sure that, if you’re curious about making the stretch wrapping process a bit easier, then you’re in luck. 

It’s definitely good to make this happen, and to properly ensure that the stretch wrapping is perfect for your business and reduces the costs of labor as well.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Interactive Packaging for Kids

When you’re making interactive packaging, you need to also look at the demographic you’re going to be marketing to. For kids, you want to make the interactive packaging educational and fun. Kids get items too, and the packaging needs to be vibrant and excite them. but, if you want them to interact and enjoy it, there’s a few things that you need to factor in, which we’ll go over here. 

Types of Interactive Kids Packaging 

There are a few unique types of interactive kids packaging you can get. The first are games.  Some packaging has perforated edges, where you cut it out, and then you can make little cards and fun games out of this.   a package that is also used for games, such as card games or even as a tic tac toe bird are two common examples.

Some packaging can double as other useful items.   A package that turns into a hanger to hang up clothes, or maybe something that offers a note for kids to write down answers to questions can be fun.

There are also puzzles that are on these. Some companies print this on the back of the packaging, and kids are able to interact and play with that, along with the fun item that’s inside.

Some interactive packaging, however, isn’t just something physical, but something that they can look at and get information out of. QR codes that take kids to websites for educational content, or even attaching the package to an app for more fun, definitely can be a great thing for kids to work with. It’s fun and offers the kids a chance to really enjoy the content that they’re making, and some of the other fun factors that are offered. 

The benefits and Challenges of Interactive Packaging 

Interactive packaging takes your packaging to the next level. Kids like to get products and presents, but they usually throw the box away. However, interactive packaging gets them to engage with the product more, and it enhances the learning experience of the packaging as well. 

Another fun thing is engagement. Kids will engage with the packaging, learn more about it, and in turn, they’ll be more loyal to the brand. This is a fun way to enhance branding and loyalty, and also get kids to enjoy your products even more.

However, there are some challenges for this. The first is the costs. These are fun additions, but you don't want to ruin your budget just through doing this. take into consideration the costs of smart technology, especially when enhancing your packaging with this.

The second thing is making the product packaging suitable for kids. You don’t want anything that’s too complex for them, so make sure that it’s fitting for their age level and skill set. 

Finally, there are safety concerns. Not all of these items are safe for kids. If the packaging that’s interactive contains plastic for example, you want it in a way where the kid can enjoy the packaging without possibly getting hurt. Making it big, with no pieces that are easy to swallow is an important thing.

But it’s pretty easy to do.   look at your packaging, and figure out a way to enhance it with this.   Having perforated areas for kids to take parts out, creating their own unique items is a fun start. If your interactive packaging lets them build forts, provide directions that are clear to help the kid make the box items they want to with their parents.

Interactive packaging isn’t just for adults, and companies need to realize this, especially when offering so many unique types of experiences possible. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

How Rosalique is Changing the World with their packaging

For many, red skin and erythema has been a problem.  Rosalique has provided a solution to this, with a unique variety of skincare options to conceal the redness, and soothing the skin with gentle, healthy ingredients. They also contain UV elements too, to prevent damage from the sun. Rosalique wanted luxury packaging for the 3 in 1 anti-redness formula that they’re planning to sell. The goal of this was to have a gift box that held the face cream, and also the Miracle Brush, which was a cruelty-free brush that’s good for application of such. The elements within this would hold all of the items, and with the perfect size and lid, it showcases everything with a unique, beautiful style. 

The lid is adorned with silver foil logos, which brings this box to life, adding a bit of sophistication and luxury that Rosalique desired to create some high-end products.  With an attractive sleeve printed over the box, providing ample product information and space, it ensured customers had everything they could need, right at their fingertips. 

Strength, Sustainability And Style 

The biggest thing that Rosalique wanted was sustainability, as this was something that mattered to them.  the rigid gift box that their product comes in showcases this.Made from 70% recycled materials on the box itself, and the sleeve being 100% recycled after you use it, it’s certainly something that really offers a unique product. 

But even so, with this sustainability in place, it’s hard to really throw this out, because of how pretty they are, and the lovely box is great for other uses. Rigid boxes are the perfect way for a lot of packaging brands to showcase everything that they have in a visually stunning, protective manner. Because of the thickness, this structure won't collapse or bend. They feel quite “expensive” when you touch them, and protect the products in them, making them luxurious, and the right type of item for all of your needs. 

Needless to say, Rosalique was floored when they first got this packaging back, as it showcased everything that they could possibly need and more. Since then, their skincare items have not only helped others, but they also brought with them another unique benefit.  They provided a means of sustainability that can’t be matched by anyone else 

For many people, sustainability is something that’s not talked about enough, but with the right packaging, it makes a difference. 

How Brands Can Harness this.

Obviously, this is but one of the many stories that are out there. Luxury brands, especially cosmetic ones, should take into account these different factors and provide for themselves the right type of item that fits all of their needs. Getting a box with the right, strong packaging for the time protects it from further damage and problems.  It also offers a bit of luxury at a unique price, as this is something that doesn’t need to cost a ton, but it will be there for them to use.

The biggest thing is looking at your packaging from a different lens.  You need to focus on sustainability, and the overall results of the different packaging that you’ve put in place.  New brands and packaging can benefit from this, as it will help with the overall effects of such. 

With the right packaging, you’ll be able to shine. Customers want to see high-quality, useful packaging that’s good to Mother Earth.  With this type of packaging, you can provide just that, and give the people what they need, so they’ll come back for more.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How Personalization in Subscription Packaging is a New frontier for Customer Experiences

Subscription services, especially subscription boxes, have become a new, growing demand for personalized experiences with packaging.   Packaging is used to create emotional connections while enhancing the unboxing experiences that you might have. With subscription packaging having the end goal of trying to craft an emotional connection, enhancing the overall experience, it’s important to also consider personalization efforts that you can use. Here, we’ll go over the personalization of these different types of boxes, and what they can offer. 

Packaging Design to Make it personal 

With the unboxing craze now a huge part of one’s subscription box efforts, there’s a lot that you definitely will want to consider.

Make the packaging fit the products. For instance, if one customer wants beauty products in their subscription boxes, accommodate for that. For pet products, the same thing applies. 

Overall, you want to make this personal by getting custom. A lot of custom boxes are easier than ever before to get, so it’s good for you to consider, especially if you’re looking to make it fit for people. 

Inserts that Rock 

Inserts are the inner parts of packaging. They create fun little gifts that a lot of the people who buy from you clamor for. It’s cool, because the inserts can be anything from a coupon for a future purchase, to even just a warm thank-you note.  Sometimes, you can build these based on what customers want. 

Branded Ideas 

Some customers want the whole kit and kaboodle when they’re buying from you. They want the inserts to talk about them, thanking them specifically, and mentioning them. they want to hear about your story, and how it relates to them. All of this, of course, is a form of personalization, and it can be used to help improve the individual customer preferences and behaviors that are there. When you do this, customers will feel inspired to work with you, and it bolsters the trust that they give to you throughout all of this.

Analytics to Figure this Out 

So how do you give the ultimate in personalization? 

The answer is analytics. 

Analytics is a fancy word for data on customers and what they want. For instance, you might find that your customer base is more gen Z and millennial focused, so you can adjust your packaging based on that.

For older customers, you might give them packaging that’s easier to open, and those that are simpler.

Overall, using AI, along with data analytics, comes together to create a personalized, memorable packaging that really works, and it can enhance the customized packaging experiences. 

Benefits of This 

When you have this type of subscription box packaging, it boosts customer retention, and bolsters the satisfaction via memorable, personalized forms of packaging. It makes them feel welcomed, and remembered by you and your company.

Now, personalized packaging is great, because a lot of customers want this. but bear in mind as well that you do need to balance out the scalability and costs in order to create the ideal packaging realm. You also want to make sure that you have and the bandwidth for individualized designs.

When all of this comes together, and creates the exact response needed, then you will drive customer excitement forward. you will as well, be able to create a differentiated type of packaging that makes you stand out on the market. Overall, it improves brand loyalty, and from there, it will truly create the best experiences that you can, and really design the packaging for whom you are planning to sell this to, which pays off immensely.

Upgrading Your Gift for a White Elephant Exchange

Well, it’s officially that time of year when you have to start thinking about what you’re going to bring to your family’s gift exchange....