Thursday, November 16, 2017

All about Rigid Box Packaging

If you’re someone who has been online, even a little bit, then you’ve probably seen those durable, fancy boxes with products in them. known as rigid boxes, they’re a favorite for a good reason. If you’re wondering about this, you’re not alone, and here, we’ll dive into all of the aspects of rigid packaging content. 

What rigid Box Packaging is 

This is a type of packaging that’s synonymous with both luxury and quality, and it refers to various packaging that’s made from durable, stronger materials than regular old cardboard. 

Rigid boxes are known for keeping their shape, and the structure, even when this is empty, so you’ll get a good feel and ideal protection. 

These boxes are ultimately made with some high-end items and packaging that’s integral to the branding overall, along with the presentation of the product. This design is robust, and it customizes well with different materials, various finishes, and even options for printing that will help with perception of value. 

Some of the benefits include: 

  • They’re thicker due to being constructed from more dense paperboards 

  • They have a better structural integrity due to being able to maintain the shape and the contents within. 

  • There are customizing options that allow you to change the shape, size, and even color and final touches such as foil stamping and the like. 

  • They’re luxury and enhance the process of unboxing. 

  • They’re sustainable, since they’re made from sustainable, recycled materials that appeal to customers that are eco-conscious. 

  • They’re versatile, and work with electronics, jewelry, and also gourmet items. 

  • They are great for marketing and branding as they’re effective tools for such. 

The Costs 

Now that you know about rigid boxes, you may wonder what they cost. They’re pretty, right? 

Well, it depends on a few different types of factors, as most of them aren’t just one series of costs, and nothing more. 

These include: 

  • The size, because larger boxes will obviously be more expensive 

  • The materials, as the higher-quality ones will have a higher cost 

  • The complexity of the design, especially if it’s intricate, has multiple colors and finishes going on 

  • The quantity, because bulk allows you to reduce the costs per box 

  • The production time, because the sooner you need it the higher it is 

In general, for small boxes you’re probably paying anywhere from a buck to five dollars per box. Medium boxes for electronics can be up to $10 a box.  Larger boxes, as in the case for board games, will be anywhere from five bucks, to up to twenty bucks.  As mentioned before though, these are based on the factors mentioned above. 

Special Features 

You can also get special features for an added cost. However keep in mind that this can add up. 

For example, lamination might be used to add a shine to the item and make it durable. Depending on the type of lamination and the quality, it can be up to fifty cents a box. 

Debossing and embossing can cost up to a dollar per box and is what creates the recessed and raised designs on the box, adding some character to this. It's good if you can afford it. 

Finally, there are closures you can add, including magnetic and ribbon ones. These are good for a premium feel, but they can add up to two dollars per box, so keep that in mind if you choose to use it.

Rigid boxes are great for a high-quality packaging feel, but keep in mind that the costs can be high.

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